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* GeoMat4d.c - Trans. Matrices , Vector computation, and Comp.geom, in 4D. *
* Written by Gershon Elber, November 1994. *
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "irit_sm.h"
#include "triv_loc.h"
* Computes a hyperplane in four space through the given four points. M
* Based on a direct solution in Maple of: M
* M
* with(linalg); V
* readlib(C); V
* V
* d := det( matrix( [ [x - x1, y - y1, z - z1, w - w1], V
* [x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1, w2 - w1], V
* [x3 - x2, y3 - y2, z3 - z2, w3 - w2], V
* [x4 - x3, y4 - y3, z4 - z3, w4 - w3]] ) ); V
* coeff( d, x ); V
* coeff( d, y ); V
* coeff( d, z ); V
* coeff( d, w ); V
* *
* Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4: The four points the plane should go through. M
* Plane: Where the result should be placed. M
* int: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. M
* *
* TrivPlaneFrom4Points, hyper plane, plane M
int TrivPlaneFrom4Points(TrivPType Pt1,
TrivPType Pt2,
TrivPType Pt3,
TrivPType Pt4,
TrivPlaneType Plane)
Plane[0] = - Pt2[1] * Pt3[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt1[1] * Pt2[2] * Pt3[3] +
Pt2[1] * Pt3[2] * Pt4[3] -
Pt1[1] * Pt3[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt1[1] * Pt2[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt1[1] * Pt3[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt1[1] * Pt2[3] * Pt4[2] +
Pt1[1] * Pt2[3] * Pt3[2] -
Pt3[1] * Pt2[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt3[1] * Pt1[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt3[1] * Pt2[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt3[1] * Pt1[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt2[1] * Pt1[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt2[1] * Pt1[2] * Pt3[3] +
Pt2[1] * Pt1[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt2[1] * Pt1[3] * Pt3[2] +
Pt4[1] * Pt2[2] * Pt3[3] -
Pt4[1] * Pt1[2] * Pt3[3] +
Pt4[1] * Pt1[2] * Pt2[3] -
Pt4[1] * Pt2[3] * Pt3[2] +
Pt4[1] * Pt1[3] * Pt3[2] -
Pt4[1] * Pt1[3] * Pt2[2] -
Pt3[1] * Pt1[2] * Pt2[3] +
Pt3[1] * Pt1[3] * Pt2[2];
Plane[1] = - Pt2[0] * Pt3[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt2[0] * Pt3[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt1[0] * Pt2[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt1[0] * Pt3[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt1[0] * Pt2[2] * Pt3[3] -
Pt1[0] * Pt3[3] * Pt4[2] +
Pt1[0] * Pt2[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt1[0] * Pt2[3] * Pt3[2] +
Pt3[0] * Pt2[2] * Pt4[3] -
Pt3[0] * Pt2[3] * Pt4[2] -
Pt3[0] * Pt1[2] * Pt4[3] +
Pt3[0] * Pt1[3] * Pt4[2] +
Pt2[0] * Pt1[2] * Pt4[3] -
Pt2[0] * Pt1[2] * Pt3[3] -
Pt2[0] * Pt1[3] * Pt4[2] +
Pt2[0] * Pt1[3] * Pt3[2] -
Pt4[0] * Pt2[2] * Pt3[3] +
Pt4[0] * Pt2[3] * Pt3[2] +
Pt4[0] * Pt1[2] * Pt3[3] -
Pt4[0] * Pt1[3] * Pt3[2] -
Pt4[0] * Pt1[2] * Pt2[3] +
Pt4[0] * Pt1[3] * Pt2[2] +
Pt3[0] * Pt1[2] * Pt2[3] -
Pt3[0] * Pt1[3] * Pt2[2];
Plane[2] = Pt2[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt4[3] -
Pt2[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt3[3] -
Pt1[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt3[3] -
Pt1[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt4[3] +
Pt1[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt4[3] +
Pt1[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt3[3] -
Pt1[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt2[3] +
Pt1[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt2[3] -
Pt3[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt4[3] +
Pt3[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt2[3] +
Pt3[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt4[3] -
Pt3[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt1[3] -
Pt2[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt4[3] +
Pt2[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt3[3] +
Pt2[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt1[3] -
Pt2[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt1[3] +
Pt4[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt3[3] -
Pt4[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt2[3] -
Pt4[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt3[3] +
Pt4[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt1[3] +
Pt4[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt2[3] -
Pt4[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt1[3] -
Pt3[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt2[3] +
Pt3[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt1[3];
Plane[3] = - Pt2[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt4[2] +
Pt2[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt3[2] +
Pt1[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt3[2] +
Pt1[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt4[2] -
Pt1[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt4[2] -
Pt1[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt3[2] +
Pt1[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt2[2] -
Pt1[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt2[2] +
Pt3[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt4[2] -
Pt3[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt2[2] -
Pt3[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt4[2] +
Pt3[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt1[2] +
Pt2[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt4[2] -
Pt2[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt3[2] -
Pt2[0] * Pt4[1] * Pt1[2] +
Pt2[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt1[2] -
Pt4[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt3[2] +
Pt4[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt2[2] +
Pt4[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt3[2] -
Pt4[0] * Pt3[1] * Pt1[2] -
Pt4[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt2[2] +
Pt4[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt1[2] +
Pt3[0] * Pt1[1] * Pt2[2] -
Pt3[0] * Pt2[1] * Pt1[2];
Plane[4] = -(Plane[0] * Pt1[0] + Plane[1] * Pt1[1] +
Plane[2] * Pt1[2] + Plane[3] * Pt1[3]);
return ABS(Plane[0]) > EPSILON ||
ABS(Plane[1]) > EPSILON ||
ABS(Plane[2]) > EPSILON ||
ABS(Plane[3]) > EPSILON;
#ifdef TEST_PLANE_4D
void main(void)
int i, j;
TrivPlaneType Plane;
Pt1 = { 1, 0, 0, 0 },
Pt2 = { 0, 1, 0, 0 },
Pt3 = { 0, 0, 1, 0 },
Pt4 = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
TrivPlaneFrom4Points(Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Plane);
printf("[%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf]\n",
Plane[0], Plane[1], Plane[2], Plane[3], Plane[4]);
TrivPlaneFrom4Points(Pt1, Pt1, Pt3, Pt4, Plane);
printf("[%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf]\n",
Plane[0], Plane[1], Plane[2], Plane[3], Plane[4]);
TrivPlaneFrom4Points(Pt1, Pt1, Pt1, Pt4, Plane);
printf("[%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf]\n",
Plane[0], Plane[1], Plane[2], Plane[3], Plane[4]);
TrivPlaneFrom4Points(Pt1, Pt1, Pt1, Pt1, Plane);
printf("[%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf]\n",
Plane[0], Plane[1], Plane[2], Plane[3], Plane[4]);
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Pt1[j] = IritRandom(-10, 10);
Pt2[j] = IritRandom(-10, 10);
Pt3[j] = IritRandom(-10, 10);
Pt4[j] = IritRandom(-10, 10);
TrivPlaneFrom4Points(Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Plane);
if (!APX_EQ(-Plane[4], (Plane[0] * Pt1[0] + Plane[1] * Pt1[1] +
Plane[2] * Pt1[2] + Plane[3] * Pt1[3])) ||
!APX_EQ(-Plane[4], (Plane[0] * Pt2[0] + Plane[1] * Pt2[1] +
Plane[2] * Pt2[2] + Plane[3] * Pt2[3])) ||
!APX_EQ(-Plane[4], (Plane[0] * Pt3[0] + Plane[1] * Pt3[1] +
Plane[2] * Pt3[2] + Plane[3] * Pt3[3])) ||
!APX_EQ(-Plane[4], (Plane[0] * Pt4[0] + Plane[1] * Pt4[1] +
Plane[2] * Pt4[2] + Plane[3] * Pt4[3])))
printf("Error (%d) [%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf]\n", i,
Plane[0], Plane[1], Plane[2], Plane[3], Plane[4]);
#endif /* TEST_PLANE_4D */